Wednesday 28 October 2015

My Off-day:

There are days when things just don’t go the right way. You are completely put off by the turn of events and don’t know how to deal with it. Today was one such day. Things kept spiraling down-hill from the moment I got up.  And by the time it was 7, I had thrown in the towel and wanted to call it a day. So frustrated was I, that I decided to apply for leave, stay home and sulk.

Then, I remembered reading a quote somewhere which goes something like this; “No matter how you feel - Get up, dress up and Show up”.  Something told me this was sound advice. So, I picked up the pieces, got dressed and showed up for work. It’s a blessing to work in a school, you know, because unlike the other jobs you are not stuck in your cubicle staring at the wall or your monitor all day; where the day’s events keep repeating themselves in slow motion, again and again, making you feel worse than before.

Here, once you step inside the gates of the school, all you can see and hear are smiling faces and squealing kids, where the worst thing that can happen is a forgotten homework. You have absolutely no time to even think about your worries, let alone brood over it. The morning events are a blur and completely forgotten by the time you come home. And by then, you have a whole new perspective about the things that seemed so impossible just a few hours ago.

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